Saturday, September 24, 2016

Living with Autism

Not everyone knows what is like living with Autism. It have been 13 years since I knew what is wrong with me, but it means I am being different. 1 in 6 people around the world have Autism, its ever increasing disability cause. I can empathise with many millions Autistics around the world about living challenges and facing obstacles.

At age of 25, the life challenges is increasing because of social pressure in the society. Likewise being that the disability rights is being overlooked. Many social status groups segregating themselves without support of solidarity. I can agree with recent UN's report on social civilisation is being torn apart recently because of increased violence, terrorism and crimes causing conflict, assumptions and isolation. At the same time, the social and society pressures for people in marginalised and stigmatised backgrounds are continuing to be voiceless and being socially isolated.

My life, similar with many other Autistics are easily marginalised and stigmatised people on this planet because it about different perspectives. I grew up with traumatic experiences where I get bullied, insulted and being excused. I have developed language structure problems, please bare with my English grammar in this blog article because it the only way how I express myself. My everyday challenges is people struggles to understand what I mean and what I do, or what I want. That is a typical life of being Autistic.

I cannot how to know or what to do with my life facing negative and socially segregation because of social attitudes towards people on the spectrum is assuming. Many times I tried to express myself, I tend to offend and scare people away. At this moment I have no idea what I did is wrong. It upsets me a lot when people do these things to me, even my own family and friends. I kept getting recommendations to see a counselor. Again, this upsets me further because it not my solution. This is way builds social pressure on my life that makes me depressive and socially isolated. I feel terrible how able-bodied people who are not on the Autism spectrum couldn't try hard enough to express themselves since the fact my behaviour offended and scared them away. It makes me feel I am doing everything wrong.

I grew up missing out a lot of life opportunities that I always wanted to enjoy such as having a consistent group of friends, having a job and a relationship. These things are normally Autistic people who are seek to experience. Earlier in my life I missed out a lot of communication and social skills. Today I am being abused, attacked, bullied and consistently being punished because I am not good at it. Hence this is clear where I become socially isolated and segregated from the society from doing things that make my life enjoyable.

I tend to got lost in my mind, sitting down at home couldn't have an energy to find something to do because my mind is being trapped and too focused on the things I really want. Since I said that I missed a lot of communication and social skills when I grew up, my mind becomes lost because I haven't learned anything naturally. Psychologists are there to support people on the spectrum, but it does not improve social awareness and acceptance from the society. Hence we continuing to isolate ourselves. Consistent unemployment is a sign of society's fault. There are too much pressure on ourselves trying to help together to understand and learn new things.

Unfortunately, like the society disrespect the disability rights this is highly reflective to people on the Autism spectrum is being voiceless, unheard and unintentionally left out of the society. The build of this pressure is causing anxiety and depression in my life. I am not clinically treated, but its the disability that caused this because the challenges triggered it. The people I met in my life are also challenging in their own lives, consists of different problems and obstacles. I tend not to go this far, but when someone try to express their feelings because they want solutions it will create opportunities to find persistent happiness.

I really want to empathise with you all after reading this blog article I wanted to make sure we need more desired actions to improve someone's wellbeing of social inclusion and acceptance. I may be appeared offensive, aggressive or lost but that not define me.